Operation Money Grab is committed to protecting your personal information and this Privacy Policy explains the information we collect and how it may be used to assist you in making informed decisions when using our site and our services. When you visit our website you may provide us with two types of information: personal information you knowingly choose to disclose collected on an individual basis and website use information collected on an aggregate basis as you and others browse our website.

  • Personal information you may choose to provide
    • You will provide us information about yourself, your company and your practices when you contract us to provide services to you or register for email newsletters. Standout Web Designs only collects the information necessary for fulfilling the requested services. If you choose to correspond with us through email, we may retain the content of your email messages together with your email address and our responses.
  • Non-identifying information we may collect
    • Similar to most websites, we use cookies, server logs and other tracking systems to collect non-personally identifying information such as date and time of visits, page viewed, and time spent on our website, browsers and referring sites.
  • IP Addresses
    • Your IP address may be used to estimate the number of visitors from geographic regions or used to identify and block visitor that are attempting to disrupt or cause harm to our site or services.
  • Cookies
    • Cookies are files that are stored on your computer with an anonymous unique identifier. Cookies are used to identify and track visitors to our site and their usage of our site. Cookies can only be saved if your browser is set to allow them. If you choose not to allow cookies, certain features or our website or services may not function properly.
  • Ads
    • Our website uses the Google AdWords Remarketing platform to place advertising for Standout Web Designs on the Google Display Network. Google AdWords Remarketing will display ads to you through the Google Display Network based on past visits to standoutwebdesigns.com by placing a cookie on your web browser. This cookie does not in any way identify you or give access to your computer, tablet or mobile device. The cookie is used to indicate to other websites that “This person visited a particular page, so show them ads relating to that page.” Google AdWords Remarketing allows us to tailor our marketing to better suit your needs and only display ads that are relevant to you. If you do not wish to see ads from Standout Web Designs through the Google Display Network you may opt out in several ways:
      1. Opt out of Google’s use of cookies by visiting Google’s Ads Settings.
      2. Opt out of a third-party vendor’s use of cookies by visiting the Network Advertising Initiative opt-out page.
  • How we use information we collect
    • Generally, the information we collect is used for administrating and expanding our business and services and understanding how visitors are using our site to improve our services. Personally identifying information may be used to notify you of important changes to our website, new services and special offers we think you may find valuable. You may opt-out of these notices by unsubscribing to our newsletter or contacting us at operationmoneygrab@gmail.com.
    • We use third parties to facilitate our business, including but not limited to, sending email and processing credit card payments. In connection with these offerings and business operations, these third parties may have access to your personal information for use in connection with business activities.
    • As we develop our business, we may buy or sell assets or business offerings. Customer, email and visitor information is generally one of the transferred business assets in these types of transactions. We may also transfer such information in the course of corporate divestitures, mergers or any dissolution.
    • We may disclose your personal information if required to do so by law or subpoena or if we believe that such action is necessary to conform to the law or comply with legal process served on us or related parties or to protect and defend our rights and property, the site, the users of the site, third parties or the public at large.
  • Links
    • Our site may contain links to other websites and Operation Money Grab is not responsible for the privacy policy or practices of those websites.
  • Changes/Updates
    • Operation Money Grab may make changes to this Privacy Policy at its discretion and you are encouraged to review this page for those changes. Your continued use of our site after any change to this policy constitutes your acceptance of such change.


Our website and services are provided “as-is” and “as available” and we disclaim all warranties, express or implied, including but not limited to the merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. We do not represent or warrant that the website or services will be error-fee, free of viruses or other harmful components or those defects will be corrected. The information and services may contain bugs, errors, problems or other limitations and neither Operation Money Grab nor its suppliers or affiliated parties have any liability for your use of the services, except as stated elsewhere in this document.

Limitation of Liability

With respect to this agreement in whole, in no event, will Operation Money Grab or its suppliers be liable for any loss or damages of any kind, the cost to obtain substitute services, interruptions of service, loss or corruption of data or for any amounts that exceed your payments to Operation Money Grab during the twelve (12) months prior to the cause of action. Operation Money Grab has no liability for any failure or delay due to circumstances beyond our reasonable control.


You agree to defend, indemnify and hold harmless Operation Money Grab, its suppliers, and their respective employees, directors and representatives from and against any and all claims and expenses, including attorney’s fees, arising out of or relating to your use of our services, including but not limited to your violation of this agreement. You agree to defend, indemnify and hold harmless Standout Web Designs, its suppliers, and their respective employees, directors and representatives from and against any and all claims and expenses, including attorney’s fees, resulting from your breach of this agreement, or from the use of the products while such products or in your possession or control.


This Agreement shall be treated as though it were executed and performed in Billings, Montana, and shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Montana (without regard to conflict of law principles). Any cause of action by you with respect to the services must be instituted within one (1) year after the cause of action arose or be forever waived and barred. Any dispute arising under this Agreement shall be settled in accordance with the commercial arbitration rules of JAMS.

Any dispute shall be arbitrated on an individual basis and shall not be consolidated in any arbitration with another party. The arbitration shall be conducted in Billings, Montana and judgment on the arbitration award may be entered into any court having jurisdiction thereof. Either you or us may seek any interim or preliminary relief from a court of competent jurisdiction in Billings, Montana necessary to protect the right or property of you and us pending the completion of arbitration. Each party shall bear one-half the arbitration fee and costs incurred through JAMS.  The language in this Agreement shall be interpreted as to its fair meaning and not strictly for or against any party. This Agreement and all incorporated agreements and your information may be automatically assigned by us in our sole discretion to a third party in the event of an acquisition, sale or merger. Should any part of this Agreement be held invalid or unenforceable, that portion shall be construed consistent with applicable law and the remaining portions shall remain in full force and effect. To the extent that anything in or associated with the site is in conflict or inconsistent with this Agreement, this Agreement shall take precedence. Our failure to enforce any provision of this Agreement shall not be deemed a waiver of such provision nor of the right to enforce such provision. Our rights under this Agreement shall survive any termination of this Agreement.